Microsoft visual studio test controller 2013 free.[Solved] Test Agent Installation and Configuration - CodeProject

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Microsoft visual studio test controller 2013 free 



Using Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) with multiple Environments | DotNetCurry


Although in the fullness of time anyone upgrading will want to move to the new build system it is quite likely that you will need to keep existing XAML builds running as you gradually move over.

The good news is that settings from the previous version of TFS are remembered. You can read the release notes for TFS here and the list of known issues here.

Visual Studio installs side-by-side with previous versions and whilst the installation process is straightforward there are some other things to consider since the installation routine now offers third party products as well as the ability to select just the Microsoft components you require.

I chose to keep things light but did take the opportunity to install PowerShell and Git-based components as they are areas I want to explore for future blogs. This was a quick fix as per Bill Wagner's post -- don't forget to update Web. I'd pretty much expected something like this since I hadn't installed Visual Studio yet on my all-in-one TFS machine which hosts the build agent, and performing the install Microsoft components only fixed this problem.

As an aside, I always make sure Visual Studio instances on a build agent server are registered with a licence key to avoid trial period expiry problems. You can read the release notes for Visual Studio here and the list of known issues here. As discussed in my previous post there was no Update 5 to Release Management and instead Release Management was released and is backwards compatible with TFS Since I'd already upgraded to Release Management there was nothing much for me to do except test that the build definition that started my release pipeline still worked -- which it did!

However, the automated web tests part of the pipeline based on the MTM Automated Tests Manager tool was still running against Agents and Microsoft Test Manager and naturally I wanted to get these components upgraded.

Microsoft Test Manager aka Test Professional is installed as part of Visual Studio Enterprise however it is also available as a separate installation for testers who don't use Visual Studio or where it is needed to run the bundled tcm. The latter scenario applies to me as I have a Windows 8. I upgraded this machine please keep reading as most of what I did was unnecessary by first uninstalling Microsoft Test Manager and the Agents for Visual Studio and then installing and configuring the replacements.

One key difference was that at the time of writing there was no upgrade to the Test Controller component of the Agents for Visual Studio so the Test Agent was shipping as a standalone exe. However, all this did was install Agents for Visual Studio Note that when it does this the service will run under Network Service. If you want to use a domain account you need to use the Test Agent Configuration Tool on the machine where the test agent is installed. So a lot of work for nothing and it looks like we'll need to wait for a new Test Controller before the Test Agent can be upgraded.

The proper way to fix this would be to create a new tool in Release Management since the built-in tools can't be edited with an updated script that includes a reference to the VSCOMNTOOLS system environment variable which allows the script to locate tcm. Probably not something for a production environment but good enough to get my automated web tests working and showing green.

Always a relief It's a very useful feature but it does need some configuration before it can be used. In this post in my series on continuous delivery with TFS we look at the steps that need to be taken to enable TIA in our development pipeline. The scenario I'm working with is where a new nightly build of the sample ASP. This now leaves the build ready to deploy in to the DQA stage so that any manual tests including manual tests that have been automated to run from MTM can be run from a browser on a client workstation.

With TIA configured there are then at least two places to check for any tests that are recommended for running again. Whilst working through the configuration for TIA I discovered that TIA doesn't seem to work in a multi-tenant web server, which is what I've set up for this blog post series to keep the number of VMs to a minimum. More correctly, I suspect that TIA doesn't work where there is a separate application pool for each website in a multi-tenant web server.

I haven't investigated this thoroughly but it's something to bear in mind if you are trying to get TIA working and something I'll address in my future blog post series on continuous delivery with TFS I covered this here so I won't go through all the steps again, however the environment needs to contain the web server that hosts the DQA stage's web site and it should be configured for the Web Server role.

Choose Manual for the What type of tests do you want to run? Additionally, after selecting Test Impact click on Configure at the far right. The aim of running the test this first time is to record each step so the whole test can be replayed on future runs.

This sort of automation isn't to be confused with deep automation using tools such as Selenium or CodedUI, and is instead more akin to recording macros in Microsoft Office applications.

Nevertheless, the technique is very powerful due to the repeatability it offers and is also a big time saver. The process of recording the steps is a little fiddly and I recommend you follow the MSDN documentation here. The main point to remember is to mark each step as passed after successful completion so that MTM correctly associates the action with the step.

Hopefully the build steps are obvious, the aim being simply to display the list of instructors. In order for TIA data to be collected on the web server there are several configuration steps to be completed:. The web client machine I'm using Windows 8. With the configuration out of the way it's now time to generate TIA data. The Can Navigate test needs one successful run on the web client against the currently selected build in order to generate a baseline. In the attachments section you should see a file ending in testimpact.

We now need to create a change to the method that displays the list of instructors. Typically this change will arise as part of fixing a bug however it will be sufficient here to fake the change in order to get TIA to work. To achieve this open up the Contoso University demo app and navigate to ContosoUniversity.

Make any non-breaking change -- I changed the OrderBy of the query that returns the instructors. Check the code in to version control and then start a new build. If the build is successful you can confirm that Can Navigate is now flagged as an impacted test. Whilst you are examining the build report mark the Build Quality as Ready for Deployment , but note that you would typically do this after confirming a successful DAT stage. Change the Build in use to the build that has just passed and then change Previous build to compare to the build that was in use at the time of creating the baseline.

A dialog should pop up advising that there may be tests that need to be re-run. After dismissing the dialog Can Navigate should be listed under Recommended tests :. As is often the case with continuous delivery pipeline work it seems like there is a great deal of configuration required to get a feature working and TIA is no exception.

One valuable lesson is that whilst a multi-tenant web application configuration certainly saves on the number of VMs required for a demo environment it does cause problems and should almost certainly be avoided for an on-premises installation. I'll definitely be using separate web servers when I refresh my demo setup for TFS And when Windows Nano Server becomes available we won't be thinking twice about trying to save on the number of running VMs.

Exciting times ahead In this fourth post in my series on continuous delivery with VSO we take a look at executing automated web tests with Microsoft Test Manager. There are quite a few moving parts involved in getting all this working so it's worth me explaining the overall aim before diving in with the specifics.

The tests we want to run are automated web tests written using the Selenium framework. The tests are run from a client workstation that is configured with MTM a requirement at the time of writing and the Microsoft Test Agent. I've used Selenium's Firefox driver in the test code so Firefox is also required on the client machine. In terms of what actually happens, firstly RM copies the complete build over to the client workstation and then executes a PowerShell script that runs TCM.

Precisely what happens next is under the bonnet stuff but it's along the lines of the test controller is informed that there is work to be done and that in turn informs the test agent on the client machine that it needs to run tests. The test agent knows from the test plan which tests to run and in which DLL they live and has access to the DLLs in the local copy of the build folder. Each test first starts Firefox and then connects to the web server running the deployed Contoso University and performs the automation specified in the test.

In many ways the process of getting all this to work with VSO rather than TFS is very similar and because of that I don't go in to every detail in this post and instead refer back to my TFS blog post.

You might also consider if it's better to use build or release management instead of lab management. The following table shows the system requirements for installing the test agent or test controller for Visual Studio:. You can download agents for Visual Studio from visualstudio.

Run the downloaded executable to install the test agent or controller. You can download agents for Visual Studio , Visual Studio , and Visual Studio from the older downloads page. You can mix different versions of TFS, the test controller, and the test agent, according to the following table:. We recommend that you use agents for Visual Studio in all new automated testing scenarios.

You can use the Deploy Test Agents task in a build pipeline to download and install the test agents on your machine. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported.


Solution 2 - Microsoft visual studio test controller 2013 free

  We recommend that you use agents for Visual Studio in all new automated testing scenarios. Connection to the test controller failed because either the test controller is inaccessible or the service is not running. If not, head over to the Azure Subscription page for a free trial. Download Visual Studio Code Linux x It is a contribution to the community. This feature is not available in a standard environment.❿    


Microsoft visual studio test controller 2013 free.Solution 1

    › tfs-integration › setting-up-the-mtm-test-controller. This topic describes how to install and configure a test controller. You must install and configure at Test controller for Microsoft Visual Studio Test controller for Microsoft Visual Studio Your test controller information should resemble the following once you have completed the configuration. ❿


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